Altox researchers present alternatives to animal use at the Second Pan-American Conference for Alternative Methods in 2018

Between August 23 and 24, 2018, the Second Pan-American Conference for Alternative Methods was held in Rio de Janeiro and was attended by Altox researchers with presentations and scientific papers. Started in 2016 in Baltimore and with the next conference scheduled to be based in Canada, the second meeting was attended by some of the main players in the alternative methods context of Brazil and worldwide.

In section III, In Silico and Computational Toxicology, mediated by Prof. Thomas Hartung (Johns Hopkins CAAT), which included the presentation of companies’ researchers and Johns Hopkins University and Yale University (USA), Altox made two presentations:

• Challenges and opportunities of using AOP-based in silico models in regulatory contexts. Carlos E. Matos dos Santos, Altox
• Best practices to develop artificial intelligence models for predicting multilevel effects in adverse outcome pathways (AOP). Rodolpho C. Braga, Altox
Some works made by projects’ technical teams connected to the in silico iS-Tox model platform were also presented in the poster section:
• Contribution mapping: A tool for the structure-toxicity relationship (STR) and mechanistic interpretability for machine and deep learning methods (Iury Tércio Simões de Sousa, MSc; Rodolpho C. Braga, PhD; and Carlos E. Matos dos Santos, MSc)
• Comparison between individual models and the integration of in silico methodologies to assess genotoxicity of some drug impurities with Genotox-iS (Carlos E. Matos dos Santos, MSc; Rodolpho C. Braga, PhD; and Iury Tércio Simões de Sousa, MSc)
• Pred-Ecotox: A computational tool for the prediction of aquatic acute toxicity of chemicals (Rodolpho C. Braga, PhD; Iury T. S. de Sousa, MSc; and Carlos E. Matos dos Santos, MSc)

According to Carlos E. Matos dos Santos, director of Altox, the event allowed a clear reading of the advances and challenges in the development of alternative methods in Brazil, as well as highlighting the remarkable potential of Brazilian science that advanced in very important methods in the last decade. This scenario has stimulated the interest of companies from different countries that mentioned as an example the in silico tools developed in Brazil. This reiterates the need for investments in S&T and regulatory alignment in the context of alternative methods that will be necessary for Brazil to remain competitive and aligned to the advances in product safety assessment according to new guidelines and international advances.

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